Sunday, March 1, 2015

Universal Design for Learning: Dear Mr. Henshaw

Title: Dear Mr. Henshaw
Author: Beverly Cleary
Subject: Text Factors for Fictional Texts
Grade Level: 3rd
IEP Classification: ADHD; Specific Learning Disability
Common Core Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.3: Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events
Lesson Goals: The students will describe the characters and explain their actions contributing to the events in their journal with 80% accuracy.
Lesson Materials: SmartBoard, Graphic Organizer, Anchor Chart, Markers, Journals (1 per student), and ELMO.

Instructional Lesson Methods and Assessment

Anticipatory Set (5 to 10 minutes)

  • I will begin the lesson by introducing the book to the class. I will lead them into the idea of the book by bringing up their letters they wrote the day before to their favorite author.
  • I will pass out a copy of the book to each child and they will spend the rest of the week reading the book in class and outside of class.
  • I will dismiss them to the carpet with their book and show them the video below:
  • We will begin an anchor chart and I will explain that we will be keeping track of the characters in the book and their characteristics.
  • I will explain some characteristics that they may look out for such as the traits of characters, motivations of characters, and or the feelings of characters.

Recognition "What"

Multiple Means of Representation
Strategic "How"

Multiple Means of Action and Expression
Affective "Why"

Multiple Means of Engagement
1.2: Provide alternatives for auditory information
The students will have a written visual of the video for them to look at.

1.3: Provide alternatives for visual information
The students will have an auditory version of the video as I will read the bits out loud.
4.1: Provide varied ways to respond
The students can respond by raising their hand when they believe they have an answer to the questions such as if they know what kind of characteristics there are.
8.3: Foster collaboration and communication
The students will collaborate with me with the Anchor Chart.
3.1: Provide or activate background knowledge
The students will have written a letter beforehand to their favorite author. This is what the character is doing in the book.
4.3: Integrate assistive technologies
The video will be available through the SmartBoard and YouTube.

Introduce and Model New Knowledge (15 to 20 minutes)

  • During our first time on the carpet, we will read pages 48 through 53. The pages will give the students an idea of the character.
  • After reading the book together with the students following along in their books, we will start filling in the anchor chart of the characters.
  • I will have a poster posted that shows characteristics of a person as well as feelings. They serve words that can be used to describe feelings and characteristics of someone.

  • If a child struggles to name the feeling or characteristic, I will ask another student to help and then the poster can be used. They will learn new words of describing characters.
  • I will allow them time to learn the newer trait names before moving on to group practice.

Recognition "What"

Multiple Means of Representation
Strategic "How"

Multiple Means of Action and Expressions
Affective "Why"

Multiple Means of Engagement
1.1: Customize the display of information
The anchor charts will be customized.
4.1: Provide varied ways to respond
The students can respond by raising their hand when they believe they have an answer to the questions such as if they know what kind of characteristics there are.
8.3: Foster collaboration and communication
The students will be able to help each other out when I ask them about characteristics of someone.

Guided Practice (30 minutes)
  • Group time: Split the class into four or five people/5 groups.
  • I will have the students look back over the pages that we covered in the book and read about Leigh a little more.
  • I will then pass out a graphic organizer for the students fill out about the character. I will encourage them to use new vocabulary words when filling in the bubbles about the person's feelings, motivations, and/or traits.
  • After the students fill in the graphic organizer, they will write two or more sentences about the character's actions and what happened because of them.
  • When the students are finished, then they will be asked to go to their desks and begin independent work.

Recognition "What"

Multiple Means of Representation
Strategic "How"

Multiple Means of Action and Expressions
Affective "Why"

Multiple Means of Engagement
3.3 Guide information processing
The teacher will explain instructions to students to ensure they understand what to do.
5.2: Provide appropriate tools for composition and problem solving.
The teacher will supply the class with a graphic organizer to fill in with traits, feelings, and motivations.
8.3: Foster collaboration and communication
The students will collaborate with one another to get information to fill in the graphic organizer.

Independent Practice (10 minutes)

  • On your own: The students will write a letter to Leigh giving him tips on how to change his view on the events that happened so that they may get the results they wanted (such as getting the thief to stop stealing his lunch).
  • The will be required to write in their journals the letter to the character.
  • They will write as much as they can in 10 minutes.
  • When completed, we will wrap up.

Recognition "What"

Multiple Means of Representation
Strategic "How"

Multiple Means of Action and Expression
Affective "Why"

Multiple Means of Engagement
3.1: Provide or activate background knowledge
The students will use their background knowledge of writing letters from the day before.
5.1: Allow choices of media for communication
The students will have the opportunity to type up their work the next day or later that week.
7.3: Reduce threats and distraction
I will keep the to a minimum by posting that we are working quietly and remind everyone to work quietly.
3.3 Guide information processing
The teacher will explain instructions to students to ensure they understand what to do.

Wrap- Up (5 minutes)
  • I will ask the class as a whole to come to the carpet again.
  • We will discuss the character and what he struggled with in the pages we read.
  • I will then bring up the anchor chart and ask the students to give me some of the words they used to describe Leigh.
  • I will place them on the anchor chart and then ask them to tell me what he could've done to react differently. Basically what would be the opposite reaction for Leigh to get what he wanted.
  • I will allow some of the children to come up to the front and read their letter to the class, using the ELMO and SmartBoard to show the work.
  • The next day in class, they will type up their letters using their classroom laptops.

Recognition "What"

Multiple Means of Representation
Strategic "How"

Multiple Means of Action and Expression
Affective "Why"

Multiple Means of Engagement
3.1: Provide or activate background knowledge.
We will bring back their prior knowledge of what they read and about characteristics.
4.3: Integrate assistive technologies
The students will use the ELMO and the SmartBoard to show their letters to the class.
8.3: Foster collaboration and communication
The students will collaborate with me with the Anchor Chart
4.3: Integrate assistive technologies
The students will use the classroom laptops to type up the letters they wrote.

Assessment (10 minutes)
  • For an assessment, the students will create their own character and add them to the story. They will create some traits about their characters and then tell me if their character would help Leigh out not, why or why not.
  • They would write as much as they could in 10 minutes.
  • I will collect their letters and grade them for errors and if they were able to make a character and if they answered the questions.

Recognition "What"

Multiple Means of Representation
Strategic "How"

Multiple Means of Action and Expressions
Affective "Why"

Multiple Means of Engagement
3.1: Provide or activate background knowledge
The students will use their background knowledge of creating a character by using traits from characters they have read about before.
6.2: Support planning and strategy development
The teacher will plan out lesson prior to the start of class to ensure a smooth lesson.
7.2: Enhance relevance, value and authenticity
The teacher will grade them fairly for genuine scores.

UDL Principle

I. Multiple Means of Representation ensures that the Recognition networks of students are supported.
Specific UDL Accommodations (1.1 - 3.4) Recognition Networks "What"
Key Elements

Please Put a Check Mark Next To the Ones You Incorporated

Where in the project?
(Which Lesson Phase 1-6)

Introduce and Model New Knowledge
Anticipatory Set
Anticipatory Set

Introduce and Model New Knowledge

Anticipatory Set, Independent Practice, Wrap Up, Assessment
Guided Practice, Independent Practice
II. Multiple Means of Action and Expression ensures that the Strategic networks of students are supported
Specific UDL Accommodations (4.1 - 6.4) Strategic Networks "How"
Key Elements

Please Put a Check Mark Next To the Ones You Incorporated

Where in the project?
(Which Lesson Phase 1-6)

Anticipatory Set, Introduce and Model New Knowledge
Anticipatory Set, Wrap Up

Guided Practice, Independent Practice

III. Multiple Means of Engagements ensures that the Affective networks of students are supported
Specific UDL Accommodations (7.1 - 9.3) Affective Networks "Why"
Key Elements

Please Put a Check Mark Next To the Ones You Incorporated

Where in the project?
(Which Lesson Phase 1-6)

Independent Practice

Anticipatory Set, Introduce and Model New Knowledge, Guided Practice Wrap Up

UDL Assignment Rubric

Evaluation Areas

Exceeds Expectations

Meets Expectations

Does Not Meet



25-23 points
22 -20 points
19- less
Multiple Means of Representation
Project incorporates at least 6 elements from this area of the UDL framework (checklist filled out)
Project incorporates at least 4 elements from this area of the UDL framework (checklist filled out)
Project incorporates 2 or less elements from this area of the UDL framework (checklist partially filled out)

Multiple Means of Action and Expression
Project incorporates at least 6 elements from this area of the UDL framework
(checklist filled out)
Project incorporates at least 4 elements from this area of the UDL framework
Project incorporates 2 or less elements from this area of the UDL framework (checklist partially filled out)

Multiple Means of Engagement
Project incorporates at least 6 elements from this area of the UDL framework (checklist filled out)
Project incorporates at least 4 elements from this area of the UDL framework (checklist filled out)
Project incorporates 2 or less elements from this area of the UDL framework (checklist partially filled out)

Multimedia Elements
Project contains a wide variety of graphic design elements: embedded videos, pictures, hyperlinks, clip art, etc.
Project contains a few graphic design elements: embedded videos, pictures, hyperlinks, clip art, etc.
Project contains a variety of graphic design elements: embedded videos, pictures, hyperlinks, clip art, etc.

Overall editing is accurate and presentation is effective (spelling, grammar, punctuation, formatting, font, text size, esthetics, etc)
Some basic editing and presentation mistakes (spelling, grammar, punctuation, formatting, font, text size, esthetics, etc)
Several editing and presentation mistakes

Overall Total Points


6 UDL Phases

1) Anticipatory Set 5-10 minutes
Provides an introductory activity, which stimulates the classes’ thinking about the lesson and connects the lesson to his or her students’ prior knowledge/experience.

2) Introduction and model new knowledge 15-20 minutes
Completely yet concisely describes the new concept that will be the topic of the day’s presentation along with any new vocabulary terms or concepts.

3) Guided Practice 20-30 minutes
Model’s various ways that students can engage with the new content. Then guides the students as they interact with partners or groups practicing the new material in various meaningful ways.

4) Independent Practice 5-10 minutes
Students in the class are provided with the opportunity to engage with the content independently.

5) Wrap Up 5 minutes
Reviews all important points of the lesson as reflected by the lesson’s objectives for all students.
6) Assessment of Student Learning – Formative 5-10 minutes
Describes an assessment plan that directly matches the lesson’s objectives (it must be a written assessment of some kind which accurately assesses the students understanding of what was taught) – measurable.

Lesson incorporates a wide variety of element(s) of technology in the instruction/practice (power point, prezi, wiki, elmo, smartboard, youtube, etc)

Differentiated-Accommodation Strategies
Provides specific UDL accommodations in each of the six phases of the UDL lesson plan targeting each of the brain networks (see above)

All materials are listed and clearly relate to the lesson.

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